Tim Parker resigned as National Trust chairman amid a bid to depose him
Former volunteer Tony Adler pointed finger at director-general Hilary McGrady
More than 50 members said they had no confidence in his leadership
Last September the Trust published 115-page report which blacklisted 93 estates over links to slavery
Mr Adler claimed he was forced out after pointing out report s inaccuracies
Leading historian Simon Heffer said Ms McGrady is responsible for turning Trust into left-wing front organisation
Said he was delighted Mr Parker has resigned but said he is not the main culprit
The controversial chairman of the National Trust has resigned amid a growing revolt among members over his woke policies.
Tim Parker s decision to quit was announced just 24 hours after a highly critical motion at this year s AGM said the membership had no confidence in his leadership and demanded his resignation.
Members, ministers and MPs had grown increasingly frustrated with Mr Parker s chairmanship, which critics said he used to take the 126-year-old charity in a politically correct direction.
Last September, the Trust published an sensational 115-page report which blacklisted 93 of its estates over their alleged links to slavery - including Chartwell in Kent, home of Sir Winston Churchill.
This notice is for all persons or entities who purchased or otherwise acquired Array Biopharma, Inc. Common Stock between June 30, 2016 and March 17, 2017, inclusive (the Class ).
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to an Order of the United States District Court for the District of Colorado, a hearing will be held on October 29, 2021, at 2:30 p.m., before the Honorable Kristen L. Mix, United States District Judge, at the Courthouse for the United States District Court, District of Colorado, Courtroom A401, Alfred A. Arraj United States Courthouse, 901 19
th St, Denver, CO 80294, for the purpose of determining: (1) whether the proposed settlement of the above-captioned action (the Action ) for $8,500,000 in cash (the Settlement ) should be approved by the Court as fair, reasonable and adequate; (2) whether the Class should be certified for purposes of the settlement and whether Plaintiffs and Lead Counsel should be certified as class representatives and class
THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS: RALPH C. BISHOP, INC., and all unknown persons who claim any interest in the subject matter of this action:
You are hereby summoned and required to appear and defend against the claims of the Complaint filed with the Court of this action, by filing with the Clerk of this Court an answer or other response. You are required to file your answer or other response within thirty-five (35) days after the service of this Summons upon you. Service of this Summons shall be complete on the day of the last publication. A copy of the Complaint may be obtained from the Clerk of the Court.