Actor Kunal Jaisingh has been doing his bit to help the needy as the country battles the second wave of Covid-19. The actor has been providing milk and food to people in slums."Covid is showing us a really bad time. It has been a curse .
Television actor Kunal Jaisingh, on the occasion of World Book Day on Friday, recalled how books have been his best friends since childhood."Books are the fellow friend of my life since childhood with no demands and no complaints. I enjoy .
Kunal Jaisingh says books are his best friends since childhood
Kunal Jaisingh books says books are his best friends since childhood. Image Source: IANS News
Mumbai, April 23 : Television actor Kunal Jaisingh, on the occasion of World Book Day on Friday, recalled how books have been his best friends since childhood. Books are the fellow friend of my life since childhood with no demands and no complaints. I enjoy my free time by reading books. They just give us happiness in the form of improved knowledge, wisdom, information, entertainment and always help in taking the right decisions in life, Kunal tells IANS.