Governor’s Office Announces Departure Of Jordy Fuentes As Director Of Residential Utility Consumer Office Published: 14 December 2020 14 December 2020
Phoenix, Arizona - The Governor’s Office Friday announced Arizona’s Residential Utility Consumer Office (RUCO) Director Jorge “Jordy” Fuentes will be leaving his position for an opportunity at the Arizona House of Representatives. His last day as director was December 11, 2020.
Laurie A. Woodall, who currently serves as RUCO Deputy Director, will serve as Interim Director.
“Jordy has done a tremendous job serving Arizona’s utility consumers,” said Governor Ducey. “His experience and knowledge regarding sustainability, energy and law has served the state well, and I’m grateful for his work. Laurie has years of experience in utilities, energy and law, and I’m thankful for her willingness to serve as Interim Director of RUCO.”
News Release
December 11, 2020
PHOENIX The Governor’s Office today announced Arizona’s Residential Utility Consumer Office (RUCO) Director Jorge “Jordy” Fuentes will be leaving his position for an opportunity at the Arizona House of Representatives. His last day as director is today, December 11, 2020.
Laurie A. Woodall, who currently serves as RUCO Deputy Director, will serve as Interim Director.
“Jordy has done a tremendous job serving Arizona’s utility consumers,” said Governor Ducey. “His experience and knowledge regarding sustainability, energy and law has served the state well, and I’m grateful for his work. Laurie has years of experience in utilities, energy and law, and I’m thankful for her willingness to serve as Interim Director of RUCO.”
Arizona customers of Southwest Gas will see their monthly home bills rise an average $3.50, or about 9.7%, starting in January after state regulators approved a much smaller increase than the utility had wanted.
The Arizona Corporation Commission approved the new gas rates Wednesday on a 4-1 vote, after cutting millions of dollars in cost recovery for pipe replacement and some of the gas companyâs most recent system improvements.
Southwest Gas filed for new rates with the Arizona Corporation Commission in May 2019, seeking to increase its annual revenue by about $81 million, or 15.6%, to recover more than $667 million in costs for improvements made since its last rate case in 2016.