| Last updated
2:11 PM, April 16 2021 GMT+1
A new report by the Health Research Board has found that a majority of drinkers in Ireland consume alcohol in a manner that is risky to their health .
This revelation in itself is perhaps not breaking news to most Irish citizens but it does pose the question - what exactly constitutes alcohol consumption that is in a manner risky to one s health?
Only a cool FORTY bottles of vodka a year it would seem. The
report, as covered by Independent.ie,
reveals that in 2019 the average Irish person drank the equivalent of forty
bottles of vodka, 113 bottles of wine or 436 pints of beer.
AAA Survey: As April 20th Nears, Are Users of Marijuana Taking More Risks Behind the Wheel Apr 14, 2021 at 10:27 am by WGNS
With 4/20 rapidly approaching, AAA is issuing a warning about the dangers of driving impaired. New AAA research suggests that users of both alcohol and marijuana (not necessarily at the same time) are often some of the most dangerous drivers on the road. According to the research, drivers who consumed marijuana and alcohol within a 30 day period were more likely to engage in risky behavior like speeding, texting, intentionally running red lights, and aggressive driving. Regardless of whether marijuana is legal or prescribed, driving under the influence of the drug is illegal and extremely dangerous,” said Megan Cooper, spokeswoman, AAA – The Auto Club Group. “Although some drivers think marijuana makes them a better driver, research shows it can inhibit concentration, slow reaction times, and cloud judgment. That judgement is even
Videos showing excessive drinking discouraged By ZHAO XINYING | China Daily | Updated: 2021-04-14 09:21 Share CLOSE
Short videos or livestreaming shows online that feature people drinking too much liquor set a bad example and should be eradicated to prevent viewers from being misled, an expert and a video platform said.
On some short video platforms, viewers have been flocking to watch videos showing people drinking to excess. Many feature people drinking too much alcohol, but others show people consuming vast quantities of soft drink, milk tea or plain water without any obvious discomfort.
Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center at China University of Political Science and Law, said such content attracted the attention of curious people.