Review: Sweet Tooth on Netflix is more than the sum of its cute animal parts Kelly Lawler, USA TODAY
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There s more to Sweet Tooth than you might first realize.
Netflix s new fantasy series, based on the DC comics by Jeff Lemire and produced by Susan Downey and Robert Downey Jr., appears as a bit odd, a bit juvenile and even a bit silly. Set in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by a deadly virus and a phenomenon in which babies are born as animal/human hybrids, the show at first glance gives off a cutesy and kiddie vibe. After all, the characters refer to the onset of the virus as The Great Crumble.
In Jeff Lemire’s post-apocalyptic comic Sweet Tooth, a pandemic kills off adults and causes new children to be born with animal features. In an era obsessed with stories about generational change, Netflix’s adaptation of the comic takes up the theme and ends up feeling like The Mandalorian mixed The Witcher, with elements from Mad Max: Fury Road.