Horse free zones in Kilkenny don’t go far enough - Cathaoirleach
Horse-free zones expected to be formally approved at next month s meeting of Kilkenny County Council don t go far enough according to the Cathaoirleach Andrew McGuinness. Byelaws banning horses from a list of city centre streets will be put forward for approval by members. This follows a proposal by Cathaoirleach Andrew McGuinness in response to ongoing issues of animal cruelty involving horses.
A total of 26 streets are on the list that was since created by Kilkenny County Council in consultation with Kilkenny Gardai. The new law will prohibit a person from having, keeping, riding or driving a horse in the listed areas at all times and declares the streets to be exclusion areas.
May: Kindness and creativity to the fore as Kilkenny adapted to the new normal
Looking back over 2020
Kindhearted Ava Roche (right) from Callan decided to use her birthday money to share some happiness with the residents in Mount Carmel );
A major garda checkpoint operation began coming into the May Bank Holiday weekend to ensure compliance with travel restrictions.
Traditionally a busy event-packed time of year, none of the usual staples, such as the Roots Festival, could proceed However, there were also the green shoots of hope later in the month, as essential building sites reopened and more workers returned to their jobs. Businesses forced to close in the initial lockdown explored new options, such as restaurants serving takeaway.
Minister of State at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Deputy Peter Burke, T.D., in a short visit to Kilkenny City yesterday met a number of business people, traders and shoppers.
He visited the pop-up shop “Made in Kilkenny” which showcases the works of craft producers in County Kilkenny. This was followed by a short visit to the weekly farmers markets on the Parade.
The Minister was very complimentary on the changes made in Rose Inn Street and High Street with the introduction of one-way system giving pedestrians and shoppers more space as they move about in the City. As it was Christmas he made a special visit to the Christmas Experience in the grounds of the Medieval Mile Museum to ensure that Santa was busy getting all those presents ready for all the children. The Minister made a short visit to Kieran Street and into the Market Yard to see the additional outdoor seating provided during Covid to facilitate outdoor dining/takeaw