British royal family news divulges that Clive Irving, author of The Last Queen: Elizabeth II’s Seventy Year Battle to Save the House of Windsor, thinks today’s monarchy lacks
“mystery” and is filled with
“freeloading” royals. Yes, but what does he really think?
Apparently he has no qualms speaking his mind about the royals and he used data from a YouGov poll to back up his assertions.
Royal Family News: Is the Monarchy Irrelevant?
Irving told Australia’s Today Extra that the
Royal Family is not about one person even though the Queen came out as the most popular royal in the poll he referenced. According to him, the monarchy risks irrelevancy at this point in time and said, “While the whole opera of the royal family is a great attraction, it’s outlived its time in terms of its grander purpose.”
| UPDATED: 07:33, Thu, Jan 21, 2021
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Clive Irving, author of The Last Queen, said in an interview the Prince of Wales is “entirely unsuitable” to be the next head of the Royal Family. Citing the royal’s popularity compared to the Queen and William, he said it would be better if the crown could “jump straight” to the Duke of Cambridge.
The Queen doesn t expect palace staff to drop everything for her, author claims
Author Sophia Bennett said she had spoken to royal staff who say the Queen doesn t expect them to drop everything when they see her in Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle
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| UPDATED: 13:13, Wed, Jan 20, 2021
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In an interview Clive Irving, author of “The Last Queen: Elizabeth II s Seventy Year Battle to Save the House of Windsor”, stated the monarchy lacks “mystery” and is filled with “freeloading” royals. He referenced polling data from YouGov last year which showed dwindling support for the heirs to the throne, with the Queen ranking as the most popular royal in the family at 78 percent approval.