Paige followed Chris out of the meeting to check on him, and eventually, they returned after some tears were shed. Chatting with the experts once more, Chris said heâs undecided about Decision Day and this caused Paigeâs head to spin, and she walked out for a few minutes to cool down. Regardless of changed opinions, Pastor Cal told Chris he needed to let Paige go if she wanted to leave. Thankfully, this is the decision she made as their meeting came to a close, leading her and Chris down a path to divorce.
Virginia & Erik
(Credit: Lifetime)
Despite bickering a lot in the weeks following their wedding, Erik and Virginia both agreed that their good moments outweigh the bad and for that reason, they decided to stay married. He even got down on one knee to propose to Virginia properly.
Married At First Sight Recap- Real Life Starts Now
Tonight get ready for the Decision Day drama!!! The journey for five couples who were
Married At First Sight comes to an unforgettable conclusion. Some will stay together, others will choose divorce. One will even refuse to decide.
I have to say, this is the most annoyed and vocal I have ever seen the experts. They seemed to be just as over the drama as the viewers. But not only do they express their opinion, in one instance they attempt to sway a decision. I can’t wait until the reunion. I have a feeling there are going to be some juicy updates. Let’s get straight to the recap!
Thu May 13, 2021 at 10:37am ET
Married at First Sight Season 12 Decision Day featured a doozy of a “decision” for Chris and Paige. Pic credit: Lifetime
Monsters and Critics columnist Liz Long recaps Married at First Sight, Season 12, Episode 17, Real Life Starts Now (Decision Day), with a little help from a glass of pinot (or two) …
Well, folks, I originally had titled this post “we all need to thank that producer who talked sense into Paige,” but I changed it after seeing the preview for the reunion episode. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves …
It was Decision Day for our couples, and somewhat surprisingly 3 out of the 5 couples chose to stay together! Paige and Chris and Haley and Jake are our ones who decided to get a divorce … or at least I THINK Paige decided that … she might be weakening as we speak. Someone please go check on Paige. (Producer!)
Married At First Sight Recap- Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace
Things are definitely heating up on
. The experiment is almost over and the couples are melting down! With only 2 episodes left, the newlyweds are struggling with the real life implications of the future. A few are still committed, while others are second guessing themselves and their marriage. Some have even chosen to walk away.
There is only a week left until decision day and now everyone must contemplate the last 7 weeks. I thought I knew exactly what choices everyone was going to make, but now I’m not quite sure. This episode has made me unsure about some people. Who else is sitting on the edge of their seat for the finale? Let’s get straight to the Married At First Sight recap!