Lawrence + Memorial Hospital launches employee homeownership program
Staff reports
Lawrence + Memorial Hospital recently launched the Home Ownership Made Easier – program that provides eligible employees with up to $10,000 in forgivable five-year loans, as well as other incentives and home buying support, when they purchase a home in the city of New London.
The hospital will pay down the amount of the loan if the employee continues to work at L+M and live in the home for at least five years.
Chelsea Groton Bank, L+M’s partner in the HOME program, offers program participants classes on home financing, in addition to competitive, below market fees. In collaboration with L+M and counseling agencies approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, program participants also receive homebuyer education.
eNewsChannels NEWS: Last year, Chelsea Groton Bank and its Foundation provided more than $1 Million to non-profit organizations in our communities. The Foundation recently approved $405,820 in grants to 68 non-profit organizations from Connecticut and Rhode Island, which put the full year's giving total above the $1 Million mark for the first time ever. :: News from eNewsChannels
Ben Franklin’s “Liberty Snake,” first printed in the Pennsylvania Gazette in 1754.
Published January 12. 2021 8:00AM
John Steward, Special to The Times
Squeezed between the revolutionary hotbeds of New York and Boston, New London and Groton in the 1700s may have been small ports, but we played on the big stage, helping to bring the segregated colonies together in unity, strengthening the country in preparation for war.
After Parliament enacted the reviled Stamp Act in 1765, the wild Sons of Liberty held two December meetings in a New London tavern, the first actions in organizing all the colonies in the buildup to revolution. We were already up in arms over the Sugar Act and the Currency Act, and now we were becoming national players, dangerously hosting and abetting anarchy.