Politically Sound
The stakes of our political choices have never been higher, but with new headlines every hour it can be hard to separate the signal from the noise. On Politically Sound, we’re going to take a step back and look at the big picture. We’ll explain the issues of the day, take a look back at how we got here, and draw a line ahead to what it all means. Hosted by David Chalian and Nia-Malika Henderson.
Protests and marches in the streets, a rising generation of activists, and an embattled President who’s just left the White House. it sounds an awful lot like today, but that’s actually the story of the 1970’s. In this episode, David Chalian is joined by Ron Brownstein, the author of Rock Me On the Water: 1974 - The Year Los Angeles Transformed Movies, Music, Television, and Politics, to take you back in time and explain what the culture wars of 1970s can tell us about today’s conflict and the.Show more political future of the countr
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Presented by Opportunities for NY
New York has hit plenty of hurdles already in its Covid-19 vaccination push, including the nor easter rolling in today that forced all appointments at state-run sites to be postponed. But
are white, even though they represent only 32 percent of the city’s population. On the other side, Black and Latino residents make up only 11 percent and 15 percent of vaccine recipients, respectively, compared to being 24 and 29 percent of the population.
There was a lot to unpack in the deluge of news this week about GameStop, the stock market, Reddit groups, trading apps and hedge funds. If it all seemed like
Dow and S&P 500 log first monthly loss since October while GameStop soars
From CNN Business Anneken Tappe
US stocks finished a turbulent week sharply lower on Friday. The Dow and the S&P 500 recorded their first monthly losses since October. For the week, the two indexes, as well as the Nasdaq Composite, also logged losses.
S&P ended the day down 1.9%. The
The volatile week came on the heels of a whole bunch of trends: Analysts fear the massive short-squeeze in
GameStop (GME) and other Reddit favorites are beginning to curtail liquidity in other parts of the market as investors unwind positions. On top of that, earnings season is in full swing and investors are taking profits. Meanwhile, worries about whether President Joe Biden’s proposed $1.9 trillion stimulus package can actually get passed and uncertainty over the vaccine rollout are factors on the macroeconomic front.