The Keith Mitchell-led administration has announced the country’s first female attorney general.
Just months after being appointed solicitor general, Dia C. Forrester-Gellineau was on Thursday morning appointed attorney general, replacing Darshan Ramdhani, who served in the post from January 2019 to December 30, 2020.
Ramdhani stepped down to serve as a judge in the British Virgin Islands, following which he will be returning to private practice.
With her appointment, Forrester-Gellineau is the first woman to be appointed to the post since the first attorney general was appointed in 1763, when Grenada became a British colony.
The new attorney general has more than 11 years of experience, working not only in Grenada since passing the Bar in 2008, but also in St Kitts and Nevis, and Anguilla.
Kimalee Phillip is a Grenadian feminist and labour human rights activist and organizer who is part of the Caribbean Solidarity Network.
2021 is upon us. Arundhati Roy invited us to consider the pandemic as a portal, a portal through which we decide what ideas, patterns and baggage we want to take with us to the other side. Will we choose to carry with us old ways of being and seeing the world that no longer serve us, or are we ready to courageously make the leap, lighter and with more spaciousness to embrace something different? It worries to think that one of the things we may carry with us through this portal, into 2021, are these outdated, worn-out, old boys’ type of partisan politics that continue to insist that the people are the laughing stock and that those elected are untouchable.
Grenada Prime Minister Dr Keith Mitchell.
Grenada has signed a bilateral debt agreement with the United States as part of the Paris Club’s debt-service suspension initiative that provides for the island to consolidate and reschedule debt payments that were due between May and December 2020.
“Once in force, the agreement defers until 2022-24 the payment of more than US$320,000 in principal and interest due between May and December 2020 so that Grenada can focus on immediate pandemic needs,” said a statement from the US Embassy in the Caribbean country’s capital, St George’s.
The agreement which was signed on last week, implements the terms of the Paris Club-G20 debt-service suspension initiative, of which Grenada is a beneficiary.