Governor Andrew Cuomo said more vaccines are on the way for New York, though he said the bigger challenge is getting skeptical Black and Latino residents to take the shot. U.S. governors are stepping up complaints that the federal government is not giving them enough vaccine.
Macron, Brexit, and the truth about French arrogance
For many, Mr Macron is the incarnation of France s legendary arrogance
18 December 2020 • 9:20am He wears an annoying semi-smile and the air of a chap convinced that France’s self-interest is primordial not only for the good of France but for the good of the entire world
Credit: Getty
It is easy to see Emmanuel Macron’s catching of Covid as karma. The fellow wants our finance houses – and our fish, insisting that instead we eat humble pie. This will teach him. Testing positive is about the only positive thing the French president has done of late. Let it bring him down a peg or two. This, I think, might be a generic British response to Mr Macron’s misfortune.