Recent editorials of statewide and national interest from Ohio newspapers: The unknown King The Toledo Blade Jan. 18 It may come as a shock to realize that, had he not been assassinated in 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., could still be alive today. He would have turned 92 last week. He was a young man when he died. He was 26 when he led the successful Montgomery bus boycott following Rosa Parks’ famous arrest; 34 when he made his “I have a.
Jan 13, 2021
As another wave of federal stimulus rolls in, checks in personal bank accounts are not the only benefit. State unemployment systems got a much-needed boost, too.
In fact, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services says many of the state’s unemployment claimants will soon see the $300 supplemental payments that were part of the stimulus bill. That is, of course, wonderful news for those struggling as the pandemic changed the way we live and work together.
“Ohio stands ready to assist those in need as soon as possible, within the bounds of the new law. Those eligible will receive all benefits to which they are entitled,” said ODJFS Director Kimberly Henderson.