ga oil field until the unex-
pected death of his father,
William in 1961. He took
over the family farm. In
1965, a hail storm took his
crop. He moved his family
to Powers Lake and ran
the local restaurant for
Grand Forks School Board approves 18 applications for early retirement benefits
This is last group of professional staff members to benefit from the school district s early retirement policy. Written By: Pamela D. Knudson | 6:00 am, Jan. 28, 2021 ×
This is the last group of district employees to benefit from the policy, which has been in place for decades; the School Board is rescinding the policy effective at the end of this school year. Herald graphic by Kimberly Wynn with data provided by Grand Forks Public Schools
Associate Superintendent Jody Thompson and Principal Michael LaMoine, at Kelly Elementary School, are among the 18 Grand Forks Public Schools professional staff members who are taking early retirement at the end of this year.