A HIGH school in Bolton has won an award for outstanding progress. Kearsley Academy, part of Northern Education Trust, was shortlisted for the category of ‘Outstanding Progress (Secondary)’ award, by the Education Business Awards 2020 editorial committee. Only five secondary schools were shortlisted for this achievement nationally, and students and staff were delighted to find out last week that they were the winners of this award. Kim McKee, principal at Kearsley Academy said: “We were delighted when we found out we had been shortlisted for this national award with four other secondary schools in England. “The achievements of each of these shortlisted schools is truly commendable.
Itâs been a hard luck year for most folks.
And tragic for some.
But it takes more than COVID-19 to stop a Celtic Cowboy Christmas.
The beloved holiday show just mutated into a different form this year and is riding to the rescue this coming week.
Instead of a cavalcade of singers and dancers and bagpipe and kazoo players jostling on stage and a packed Myrna Loy house of foot-stomping, hand-clapping fans, there will be a virtual show, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 17, featuring Butteâs popular Irish band Dublin Gulch and special guests, Ken Willson and Kim McGee.
If you go or watch.