About DTN
DTN delivers accurate, objective, real-time, and actionable insights to increase our 2 million customers’ confidence and support their business decisions. In a data-rich world, our actionable insights in weather and financial analytics make sense of the information, drive change in processes and help businesses prosper. They empower our agriculture, energy and transportation customers – those who work endlessly to feed, fuel and protect our world. We believe that when our customers are supported with the most reliable and innovative information to the Nth Degree, they prosper and we all win. DTN is based in Minneapolis with offices globally.
In western Himalayas, tree-planting programmes threaten the livelihoods of pastoralists
Most varieties of trees planted by the forest department in the last 40 years have been unpalatable to livestock, say researchers. Jan 23, 2021 · 09:30 pm Plantations have made Gaddi livelihoods more vulnerable because the land is enclosed and their access routes blocked. | Harvinder Chandigarh, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Large scale tree planting is being promoted worldwide to mitigate the impacts of climate change and increase forest cover. However, afforestation projects can displace pastoralists and threaten their livelihoods. The disappearance of pastoralists and their animals can also lead to further degradation and environmental damage in these areas.