The majority of ewes will lamb unassisted, but it is important to have regular supervision in place during lambing and intervene when necessary. / Philip Doyle
The recent increase in optimism in the sheep sector is thankfully getting more young people involved, while there are also farmers converting to sheep or possibly returning to lambing ewes after a period of time.
In the recent
Irish Farmers Journal reader survey, a request which arose on a number of occasions was getting back to basics and covering some beginners or refresher-type article.
What Habit Does Your Dog Have When Seeing A Magic Valley Vet?
Most family dogs aren t exactly thrilled when they come to the realization that it s time for a trip to the veterinarian s office. I thought I d direct your attention to a great video recently shared of some incredibly funny dog reactions to seeing their doctors.
Dogs are a lot like humans when it comes to a doctor visit. You ve heard of White Coat Syndrome right? This is when your blood pressure spikes when you check at a clinic or hospital, and it s been happening to me for years. My systolic number shoots up 20 every time I take a seat in a waiting room.
Study explains the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 virus
As COVID-19 sweeps the world, related viruses quietly circulate among wild animals. A new study shows how SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and SARS-CoV-1, which caused the 2003 SARS outbreak, are related to each other.
The work, published recently in the journal
Virus Evolution, helps scientists better understand the evolution of these viruses, how they acquired the ability to infect humans and which other viruses may be poised for human spillover.
How did these viruses come to be what they are today? Why do some of them have the ability to infect humans while others do not?