"Our existence in this place, this microscopic corner of the cosmos, is fleeting. With utter disregard for our wants and needs, nature plays out its grand acts on scales of space and time that are truly hard to grasp. Perhaps all we can look to for real solace is our endless capacity to ask questions and seek answers about the place we find ourselves in." -Caleb Scharf
Welcome to the biggest mystery in physics: one of the great known unknowns of the universe is the nature of dark energy, an antigravitaional force field making the universe expand faster. Current theories range from end-of-the universe scenarios to dark energy as the manifestation of advanced intelligent life. It is the proverbial elephant in the “cosmic” room.“The discovery of dark energy has greatly changed how we think about the laws of nature,” said Edward Witten, creator of string theory and one of the world’s leading theoretical physicists at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J. who has been compared to Newton and Einstein. It could turn out that dark energy is some as-yet-undiscovered “fifth force,” or the result of not understanding gravity, adds Witten.
“Planet Earth Report” provides descriptive links to headline news by leading science journalists about the extraordinary discoveries, technology, people, and events changing our knowledge of Planet Earth and the future of the human species.
Evolution: Lab-Grown ‘Mini Brains’ Suggest One Mutation Might Have Rewired the Human Mind, reports Singularity Hub –“By reintroducing ancient genes from such extinct species into human “mini brains” clusters of stem cells grown in a lab that organize themselves into tiny versions of human brains scientists have started to find new clues to how we evolved such advanced cognitive abilities, giving rise to complex language, poetry, and rocket science?
“Planet Earth Report” provides descriptive links to headline news by leading science journalists about the extraordinary discoveries, technology, people, and events changing our knowledge of Planet Earth and the future of the human species.
“And So It Begins” –Quantum Physicists Create a New Universe With Its Own Rules, reports The Daily Galaxy –Albert Einstein was fond of saying that “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” What if our world, our universe, following Einstein’s insight, is the result of a quantum-physics experiment performed by some ancient hyper-advanced alien civilization. A civilization that, as astrophysicist Paul Davies speculates, may exist beyond matter.
On September 6th 2017 astronomers at Hawaii’s PanStarr Observatory detected an object hurtling in from deep space, from the direction of Vega, a star 25 light-years away. The mystery object crossed the orbital plane of the solar system, within which the Earth and the other planets revolve around the sun where it was captured by our star’s gravitation. The elongated object accelerated to around 200,000 mph as it made its closest approach to the Sun on September 9th, launching the story and plot of Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb’s book,
Extraterrestrial, and the spell-binding saga of “Oumuamua” in which he attempts to make a case that the interstellar object passing through our solar system could have been a piece of alien technology.