Wethersfield 2021 class grew more patient and determined
Dave Clarke
KEWANEE It was a dream some thought would never come true.
Wethersfield High School s Class of 2021 realized their dream Friday night of marching into the gymnasium while family and friends stood and the band played Pomp and Circumstance, then walking across the stage alone to receive their diploma. It was a moment some, including junior/senior high school principal Carrie Griffith, thought might never happen due to the COVID-19 pandemic which shuttered the school last March. It s been an interesting couple of years, said Griffith in presenting the class of 35 graduates. Almost a year-and-a-half of that time was spent learning remotely, then with a hybrid in-person/remote model, and finally, the last nine weeks in-person. I started last fall not sure if we were going to make it to the end of the year, but through the efforts of our students, teachers and staff, administration school board and parents we
ALL ABOUT CONNECTION The winning entry in this year’s INA competition
StorySky, an app to connect grandparents and children reflected the contest s focus on technology to help overcome the isolation imposed by the COVID pandemic.
Ed Tech
TC’s student EdTech showcase yields tools for overcoming social distance
When first-year students David Zikovitz (Instructional Technology & Media), Ying-Chen Lin (Instructional Technology & Media), Mulan Fu (Design & Development of Digital Games) and Marina Lemee (Computing in Education) teamed up to enter Teachers College’s 2020 EdTech Innovation Award (INA) Showcase, they had only a vague idea about creating some kind of online socialization app for children.