March 4, 2021
To turn the tide against climate change, on the day of his inauguration US president Joe Biden signed an executive order instituting a raft of policy changes and initiatives. One directed his team to reassess the social cost of carbon. This seemingly obscure concept puts a number on how much damage a metric ton of carbon dioxide emitted today will do in the future, in order to show how much a given climate policy would benefit the economy in the long run. More than in previous assessments, Biden’s team explicitly called for considerations of environmental justice and intergenerational equity, referring to the perils of climate change to future generations.
WHO: George Peridas, director of carbon management partnerships, and staff scientist Briana Schmidt from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Peridas is responsible for incubating partnerships that result in the advancement and deployment of carbon management solutions and technologies, including the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, or so-called negative emissions. Schmidt works with the Carbon Initiative, which aims to understand, develop and implement technologies for the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Her areas of focus are geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide and carbon mineralization and advancing the deployment of these technologies.
WHAT: Peridas and Schmidt will be available to discuss results from a new report titled “Permitting Carbon Capture and Storage in California” that examined the regulatory framework for authorizing carbon capture and storage in California and offers options for government and project developers to enable
Governors Wind Energy Coalition
With One Number, Biden Will Start to Reverse Trump’s Way of Valuing Climate Source: By Eric Roston and Stephen Lee, Bloomberg • Posted: Monday, February 22, 2021
Reinstating Obama-era guidance on climate change would begin the process of changing federal rules
U.S. President Joe Biden speaks in the East Room of the White House on Feb. 19. Photographer: Anna Moneymaker/The New York Times
President Joe Biden has begun reactivating Obama-era approaches for building climate change into federal policy, action that may soon revamp environmental regulation by establishing a much higher dollar value for greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S.
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With help from Zack Colman.
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A NEW CORPORATE TAX? It’s not just Texas freezing over. In Washington, some big brand names are actually volunteering to pay a tax on their products.