Outside of Pulse nightclub are tributes to the victims.
Five years later, the pain of Pulse lingers
Grief swirls as survivors struggle with trauma, while plans for a $45 million museum and memorial take shape.
CHRIS URSOJune 9, 2021
ORLANDO Some nights, on his long drive home, he conjures up reasons to see the nightclub again.
It’s past midnight, usually, when he leaves work and pulls off at the Kaley Street exit. He drives past the blue hospital signs, past the dusty warehouse district where a museum is slated to rise. He makes a right turn onto South Orange Avenue, toward the stark black sign.
Although the Sacramento Pride March and Festival will not take place in its traditional format this year, there are several events planned this month to celebrate the city's LGBTQ community.
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Poor Walt. This man has probably turned over in his grave 100 times by now with all the antics of Disney.
On Tuesday, April 13, Disney Chairman Josh D’Amaro posted a blog on the Disney Parks website titled “A Place Where Everyone is Welcome,” because apparently they weren t very welcoming before, despite having Gay Days for 30 years.
Right off the bat, you should have got the hint to grab a barf bucket for the spiel about taking action to create meaningful change. The announcement included a video and narrative to explain the new addition to the longstanding tradition of The Four Keys: Inclusion.
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Conspiracy Theorists Give Jews and LGBTQ People Power To Control Climate
The utter power and strength of Jews and members of the LGBTQ community allows us to control the course and potency of hurricanes, floods, fires, droughts.
The utter power and strength of Jews and members of the LGBTQ community allows us to control the course and potency of hurricanes, floods, fires, droughts, and pandemics, and thus, we get to determine who lives and who dies, who retains their treasured belongings and who gets burned out or washed away.