Portland Chamber Music Festival returns to in-person performances in August
The Portland Chamber Music Festival will return with in-person performances in August, offering a distilled version of the festival that will include a “secret” program of music designed to encourage people to listen with open minds and open ears.
Melissa Reardon, artistic director of the Portland Chamber Music Festival.
Courtesy of Portland Chamber Music Festival
The festival has considered performing a concert without telling the audience what it would be hearing ahead of time, and decided this was the year to embrace the unknown, said Melissa Reardon, the festival’s artistic director.
TROY For more than a year now, since March 2020, the Troy High School auditorium has sat dark, unoccupied by performers or an audience. Curtains were closed, and concerts shifted online, if they made the switch at all.
In this second of a three-part series on how the pandemic played out for students, educators and families at Oakdale Elementary School in northwest Charlotte, WFAE education reporter Ann Doss Helms looks at hybrid instruction. Juggling remote and in-person students while handling tech glitches and monitoring COVID-19 safety is a lot to handle.