Despite Kempton hitting the brakes, they collided and the man was killed instantly. Kempton escaped serious physical injury but, according to a decision issued December 31 by B.C. Supreme Court Justice David Crerar, Kempton has been unable to shake off the memory of that day. For the five years since the accident, he has been unable to sleep for more than two or three hours at a stretch. Recurring nightmares of the accident and being trapped in the cab cause him to jerk violently in his sleep. He claws the bedroom wall, and his toenails gouge his legs, as he tries to kick free, Crerar wrote.
The Globe and Mail Jason Tchir Published December 13, 2020 Bookmark
My friend has a British Columbia learner’s licence which requires that she has an eligible supervisor with her when she’s driving. Can she drive in an empty parking lot without a supervisor? Or is she prohibited from driving there, too – the same as on a road? – Raman
After Costco closes, that empty parking lot might seem like an ideal place to let a learning driver go alone.
But, in every province except, Ontario, if you’ve got a learner’s permit, you can’t drive alone anywhere that’s accessible to the public.