SCRIPTURE: …And Esther obtained favour in the sight of all them that looked upon her.
Esther 2:15
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Good character pulls the right people, opportunities and resources in your direction.
Good character has been confirmed to attract favour. That is why we can see from our anchor Scripture that Esther attracted favour to her life on the ground of good character (Esther 2:15).
When Esther displayed the good character of contentment, it seemed like the eyes of everyone in the palace were fastened on her and she obtained favour. Character brings favour and favour helps in the fulfilment destiny.
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Remote control for quantum emitters
Quantum technologies are enabled by precise control of the state and interactions of individual quantum objects. Innsbruck physicists have now proposed a way to remotely control the state of individual quantum emitters. The underlying idea, developed by a research group led by Oriol Romero-Isart, is based on chirped light pulses.
In order to exploit the properties of quantum physics technologically, quantum objects and their interaction must be precisely controlled. In many cases, this is done using light. Researchers at the University of Innsbruck and the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences have now developed a method to individually address quantum emitters using tailored light pulses. “Not only is it important to individually control and read the state of the emitters,” says Oriol Romero-Isart, “but also to do so while leaving the system as undisturbed as possible.”
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Scientists’ data will help in examining patients with stroke Scientists from the TSU Laboratory of Neurobiology, in the course of a series of experiments conducted using a model of ischemic stroke in rats, obtained new data on the processes that occur in the focal point of brain damage. This information can be the basis of a noninvasive diagnostic method that assesses the degree of inflammation, to predict the course of the disease and choose a treatment strategy for patients who have survived a “vascular catastrophe”. The research results are published in the highly ranked International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
OnRobot Launches Advanced MG10 Magnetic Gripper for Safe and Precise, Collaborative Applications
OnRobot s out-of-the-box, magnetic gripper for manufacturing, automotive and aerospace applications is the latest addition to OnRobot s range of no-fuss, all-electric gripper products. Unlike standard magnetic grippers, the MG10 has programmable force features and comes with built-in grip and part detection sensors
OnRobot has launched the MG10, a versatile, high-performance, easy to use magnetic gripper for material handling, assembly and machine tending applications in manufacturing, automotive and aerospace environments. Fully compatible with all major robot brands through OnRobot s One System Solution, the MG10 offers unique adjustable force and grip detection features that provide users with unprecedented levels of control.