Inside the fight to control Zziwa Rhino Sanctuary
Monday April 26 2021
Zziwa Rhino Sanctuary, located about 176kms North of Kampala City, was established in 2006 as a protected area for re-introduction of the rear White Rhino family that had become extinct in Uganda. The Rhino Sanctuary that sits on a 16,000 acre land is now at the centre of dispute between the family of Capt Joseph Charles Roy who owns the lease and the management of Rhino Fund Uganda.
Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is a home to 33 rhinos re-introduced in Uganda through a breed and release programme supervised by the Uganda Wildlife but managed by the Rhino Fund Uganda in Nakasongola District.
Govt closes Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary over attacks
Wednesday April 21 2021
The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has temporarily closed Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary in Nakitoma Sub-county, Nakasongola District, over unending fights between two parties managing the facility.
The dispute is between the family of Capt Joseph Charles Roy who owns the lease and the management of Rhino Fund Uganda.
The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has temporarily closed Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary in Nakitoma Sub-county, Nakasongola District, over unending fights between two parties managing the facility.
In a statement issued by Mr Hangi Bashir, the public relations manager of UWA, the authority said in line with their mandate of protecting wildlife resources as per the Uganda Wildlife Act, 2019, they have taken over security of the rhinos at Ziwa sanctuary.
UWA closes Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary in Nakasongola after attack
April 20, 2021 Tourists at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary
Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has closed Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary in Nakasongola district with immediate effect following a recent attack on its office property.
The decision comes amidst bickering between Ziwa Rhino and Wildlife Ranches (ZRWR), which owns the land hosting the sanctuary and the Rhino Fund Uganda (RFU), a non-governmental organization that manages the rhinos.
A press statement issued by UWA says Ziwa sanctuary has been closed to the public and no tourism activity will be undertaken until further notice. Ziwa sanctuary is home to 33 endangered white rhinos. According to the statement, the closure was prompted by the misunderstanding between ZRWR and RFU.
UWA to shift white rhinos trapped in sanctuary fight
Tuesday April 20 2021
Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary that is located about 176kms North of Kampala City, was established in 2006 as a protected area for re-introduction of the rear White Rhino family that had become extinct in Uganda.
Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is a home to 33 Rhinos re-introduced in Uganda through a breed and release programme supervised by the Uganda Wildlife but managed by the Rhino Fund Uganda in Nakasongola District.
The Uganda Wild Life Authority (UWA) has taken over security of the endangered White Rhinos species at the Nakasongola-based Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary due to unending disagreements between the two parties managing the country’s sole Rhino sanctuary.