A Cuyahoga County grand jury has declined to bring charges against the off-duty Cleveland police officer who shot and killed Desmond Franklin in April, 2020..
Posted By Allison Babka on Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 10:40 AM click to enlarge The Ohio Channel The Ohio Department of Health announced Wednesday night that it may have missed as many as 4,000 coronavirus-related deaths in recent data counts. In a Feb. 10 news release, the health department says issues affecting deaths that were recorded through the state’s reporting issues began in October. The deaths will be added to Ohio’s death count over the next few weeks and will reflect the appropriate dates of death not the new reporting dates at coronavirus.ohio.gov. “As these deaths are added to the counts, the daily reported death counts will be high for a two to three-day period,” the ODH statement says. “After this increase, normal processes will resume, with increased quality
Posted By Vince Grzegorekvgrzegorek@clevescene.com> on Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 2:37 PM click to enlarge The Ohio Channel With Covid hospitalization numbers continuing to fall, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced today the statewide curfew, which expired today, would not be extended. Fewer than 2,500 Ohioans had been hospitalized for seven straight days as of earlier this week, which led DeWine to roll back restrictions the state instituted in mid November that mandated bars and restaurants close early. The initial 10 p.m. closing time was extended slightly to 11 p.m. in late January as numbers improved. The hospitality industry had already taken a pandemic-induced financial beating through last year but, as the state sought to enact efforts to stem the tide of a severe Covid surge in t
When Stark County’s voting machines grew so old it couldn’t find replacement parts, its election board reached a $6.45 million deal for new ones. Then.