Updated Congressman McClintock speaks on House Floor
Update at 11:35am: After voicing opposition last night to the use of the 25th Amendment against President Donald Trump, Mother Lode Congressman Tom McClintock spoke once again on the House floor this morning. The latest speech was in opposition to impeaching the President.
Original story posted at 7:26am: Washington, DC Congressman Tom McClintock, a Republican who represents the Mother Lode, spoke on the US House floor last night against passing a resolution for Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th amendment and remove President Donald Trump from office.
McClintock opened by stating, “What a sad and ominous way to begin the 117th Congress. Hasn’t this body done enough in the last session to divide our
The federal Congressman who represents the Mother Lode region, and a Republican California State Senator, to the storming of the US Capitol by some supporters