Province highlights plans to protect vulnerable Manitobans with comprehensive vaccine prioritization list
Corwyn Friesen, mySteinbach Health and Seniors Care Minister Heather Stefanson discussing vaccine prioritization.
The province has released a four-stage immunization plan that builds on medical expertise and Manitoba’s current approach to the vaccine campaign, with the goal of protecting Manitobans at greatest risk of COVID-19 the soonest, Health and Seniors Care Minister Heather Stefanson announced.
“These priority groups are clear and based on the guidance of our medical experts,” said Stefanson. “We all want to get the vaccine to our most vulnerable people, and to every Manitoban who wants a vaccine, as quickly as possible. Now, we need the vaccine supply to put our plans into action. This is incredibly important work that is being led by the Vaccine Implementation Task Force, on behalf of all Manitobans.”