NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) - Zum Börsenstart am Donnerstag ist der US-Leitindex Dow Jones Industrial auf ein weiteres Rekordhoch gesprungen. Zuletzt notierte er etwas darunter prozentual unverändert mit 35 486,68 Punkten. Der S&P 500 gab um 0,12 Prozent auf 4442,45 Punkte nach. Der technologielastige Au.
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Microsoft explains why you ll need a TPM for Windows 11
Microsoft is prioritising security over the PC s tradition of lifelong hardware support. Credit: Gordon Mah Ung / IDG
Microsoft’s hardware requirements for Windows 11 have been undoubtedly confusing, with users questioning why they need both an 8th-gen Intel Core CPU and TPM functionality to upgrade to Windows 11. On Friday, Microsoft attempted to answer that question.
In a blog post, David Weston, director of enterprise and OS security for Microsoft, explained that TPMs (Trusted Platform Modules) are part and parcel of Microsoft’s response to a growing level of cybercrime, including phishing and ransomware. PCs with TPMs inside offer a greater level of protection from those attacks, Weston wrote.
La présidente sortante de la région Pays de la Loire, Christelle Morançais (LR), l'emporte largement au second tour des régionales, devant l'écologiste Matthieu Orphelin, selon une estimation d'un institut de sondage.