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Sputnik International
This meant the world s third-largest smartphone maker was subject to a November executive order restricting American investors from buying shares or related securities of any companies given this designation by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD).
Xiaomi brought a legal challenge against the U.S. Department of Defense.
In March, a U.S. court granted Xiaomi a preliminary injunction against the Trump-era order, saying the company would suffer irreparable harm in the form of serious reputational and unrecoverable economic injuries.
And on Tuesday, the DOD agreed that a final order vacating Xiaomi s designation as a CCMC would be appropriate, according to a court filing.
Worker for contractor accused of selling Air Force data
May 12, 2021
SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) An employee of a U.S. Department of Defense contractor and another man were arrested Wednesday on suspicion of participating in a scheme to steal and sell sensitive U.S. Air Force technical data, federal prosecutors said.
Sarfraz Yousuf of Miramar, Florida, is accused of acquiring 1,875 Air Force documents while working for Summit Aerospace Inc., a Miami-based aircraft maintenance company, according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney s Office.
Yousuf, 43, earned more than $130,000 from selling the documents to Marc Chavez, a Southern California man who illegally resold the data to his customers, the statement said.