Rescue teams called to assist divers get back ashore near Macduff
Macduff lifeboat
Rescue teams were tasked this afternoon to assist divers in difficulty near Macduff.
A member of the public called 999 around 2pm with Macduff lifeboat and Banff coastguard team, who were returning from an earlier incident near Cullen Bay, sent to provide assistance.
The strong tidal conditions were prohibiting the divers from getting back to land safely, with rescuers combining to assist them ashore.
The divers were checked over and said to be “safe and well”.
The rescue teams managed to also retrieve all the divers equipment before standing down around 2.50pm.
Updated: December 19, 2020, 1:06 pm
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Rescue teams were tasked earlier today to assist a woman reported in the water near Cullen Bay.
The RNLI lifeboat from Buckie diverted from a training exercise to provide assistance, with coastguard teams from Buckie and Banff also in attendance.
A coastguard spokesman said: “Just shortly before 11am, we received a 999 call from a member of the public reporting a person in the water down in Cullen Bay up by Portknockie.
Town centre and tourism leaders have united in a powerful plea for shoppers to think local first this Christmas. Scotland’s Towns Partnership (STP) and VisitScotland say the need for locals to show their support for the businesses in their community has never been greater than this festive season. And, whether it be vouchers for a local shop, meal out or a getaway at a hotel or attraction close to home, they believe the gift choices on offer have also never been stronger as people appreciate more of what’s on their doorstep. Both organisations are championing the Scotland Love Local campaign message for people to prioritise supporting businesses around them - whether in person or online - to fuel the nation’s recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Town centre and tourism leaders have united in a powerful plea for shoppers to think local first this Christmas. Scotland’s Towns Partnership (STP) and VisitScotland say the need for locals to show their support for the businesses in their community has never been greater than this festive season. And, whether it be vouchers for a local shop, meal out or a getaway at a hotel or attraction close to home, they believe the gift choices on offer have also never been stronger as people appreciate more of what’s on their doorstep. Both organisations are championing the Scotland Love Local campaign message for people to prioritise supporting businesses around them - whether in person or online - to fuel the nation’s recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.