Tamil Nadu assembly session will begin at the Kalaivanar Arangam from June 21 at 10 a.m. This was announced by the Speaker M. Appavu on Wednesday.The assembly will commence its proceedings with the address of Governor Banwarilal Purohit.All the .
Tamil Nadu Assembly session from June 21
June 09, 2021 20:16 IST
All legislators and Assembly officials would be tested for COVID-19 and only those testing negative would be allowed to take part in the House proceedings
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Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin (L), with Governor Banwarilal Purohit (C) and Durai Murugan, Minister for Water Resources, at Raj Bhavan in Chennai, June 9, 2021 | Photo Credit:
All legislators and Assembly officials would be tested for COVID-19 and only those testing negative would be allowed to take part in the House proceedings The next session of the Tamil Nadu 16th Legislative Assembly would commence in Kalaivanar Arangam at 10 am on June 21 with the Governor’s Address, Assembly Speaker M. Appavu announced in Chennai on Wednesday.
Assembly session from June 21
All legislators, Assembly officials will be tested for COVID-19
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All legislators, Assembly officials will be tested for COVID-19
The Assembly session will commence at the Kalaivanar Arangam at 10 a.m. on June 21 with the Governor s Address, Assembly Speaker M. Appavu announced in Chennai on Wednesday.
Mr. Appavu told journalists that the Business Advisory Committee would meet after the Governor’s address to decide on the number of days that the House would meet.
All legislators and Assembly officials will be tested for COVID-19 and only those testing negative will be allowed to take part in the proceedings, he said. Arrangements have been made to ensure adherence to physical distancing norms.
Speaker, Deputy Speaker assume charge
Matter of pride that both of them were elected unopposed.
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Matter of pride that both of them were elected unopposed.
DMK legislators M. Appavu and K. Pitchandi were on Wednesday elected unopposed as Speaker and Deputy Speaker respectively of the 16th Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly, and they assumed charge in the House.
As per tradition, Leader of the House Duraimurugan and Leader of the Opposition Edappadi K. Palaniswami escorted the Speaker to the historic chair in the makeshift Assembly at Kalaivanar Arangam on Wallajah Salai, Chennai.
Chief Minister M.K. Stalin said it was a matter of pride that both of them were elected unopposed. Several Speakers in the past were from the southern districts, and Mr. Appavu too was from the south, he said, expressing hope that he too would leave a legacy for himself. He said DMK members would face opinions with counter-opinions and their actions would not be arrogant bu