Imax and Imagine Documentaries Set 5-Film Deal Beginning With ‘Mars 2080’
Eliza McNitt is directing the film that conceives of a colony on the Red Planet, which will be released in 2022
Brian Welk | April 21, 2021 @ 10:15 AM
Imax and Imagine Documentaries have set a five-film production and distribution deal, starting with a film titled “Mars 2080” about an imagined look at what a colony on Mars would look like 60 years into the future.
The five films will cover subjects focused on space, exploration, natural sciences, music, civilization and more, and will all be exhibited on Imax’s large-format screens. “Mars 2080” will hit theaters globally in 2022.
Megan Colligan, Ron Howard, Brian Grazer
The first title will be Mars 2080, an immersive experience about a colony set 60 years in the future on the faraway planet.
Imax and Imagine Documentaries a division of Brian Grazer and Ron Howard s Imagine Entertainment have struck a new, five-picture production and distribution agreement that will marry their longtime interest in the doc space.
The slate of films will cover topics including space, exploration, natural sciences, music, civilization, society and more. They will play and will be distributed across Imax’s global network of commercial and institutional theaters (the latter category includes museums).
Earlier this week, Apple Original Films announced the studio has greenlit a Louis Armstrong documentary feature called “
Black & Blues: The Colorful Ballad of Louis Armstrong,” from Brian Grazer and Ron Howard’s Imagine Documentaries.
The official description reads, “The film offers a definitive look at the master musician’s life and legacy as a founding father of jazz, the first pop star and a cultural ambassador of the United States. He was loved by millions worldwide but often mischaracterized for not doing enough to support the civil rights movement. In reality, his fight for social justice was fueled by his celebrity and his willingness to break his silence on issues of segregation and patriotism. With the full support of the Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation, the filmmakers have access to a treasure trove of never-before-seen archival materials, including hundreds of hours of audio recordings, film footage, photographs, personal diaries and a life’s worth of
Titled Black & Blues: The Colorful Ballad of Louis Armstrong , the feature will be directed by Sacha Jenkins. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the documentary will examine Armstrong s life and legacy as a founding father of jazz, the first pop star and a cultural ambassador of the United States. It will also try to remove misconceptions that the trumpet player didn t contribute enough to the Civil Rights Movement. For the research, the Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation granted the makers an access to a wide array of the musician s never-before-seen archival materials including hundreds of hours of audio recordings, film footage, photographs and personal diaries.
Apple Original Films give Green Light to a Documentary Feature titled Black & Blues: The Colorful Ballad of Louis Armstrong
It s being revealed this morning that Apple Original Films has green lit the anticipated Louis Armstrong documentary feature Black & Blues: The Colorful Ballad of Louis Armstrong from Brian Grazer and Ron Howard’s Imagine Documentaries to join its Academy Award-nominated feature film slate.
The documentary, which is produced under Apple’s first-look agreement with Imagine Documentaries, will be directed by Emmy-nominated Sacha Jenkins (“Wu-Tang Clan: Of Mics and Men”), and produced by Jenkins, Julie Anderson, Sara Bernstein and Justin Wilkes. Brian Grazer and Ron Howard serve as executive producers. The project is being produced in association with Universal Music Group’s Polygram Entertainment with Michele Anthony and David Blackman serving as executive producers.