Amazing Audiobooks (#AA2021) Nominees Round Up, December 16 Edition
Click here to see all of the current Amazing Audiobooks nominees along with more information about the list and past years’ selections.
We Are Not Free by Traci Chee; narrated by: Scott Keiji Takeda, Dan Woren, Ryan Potter, Ali Fumiko, Sophie Oda, Andrew Kishino, Christopher Naoki Lee, Grace Rolek, Erika Aishii, Brittany Ishibashi, Kurt Sanchez Kanazawa, and Terry Kitagawa
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
ISBN: 9780358343561
Fourteen Japanese American teens are cruelly taken from their San Francisco homes to internment camps purportedly to protect the U.S. west coast from Japanese espionage or sabotage during World War II. The Nissei’s stories start the same, but have many different outcomes as they make their choices and too many choices are made for them.
CBM s Ultimate Holiday 2020 Gift Guide For All Your Absolute Must-Haves This Christmas
As Christmas swiftly approaches, we ve compiled an extensive list of forty awesome products that you could present to your loved ones - or yourself - as gifts this holiday season. Come take a look!
KingPatel |
Filed Under: Merchandise
With Christmas just two weeks away, we ve decided to make your last-second gift buying that a little bit easier by compiling an extensive list of some of the best products available that will surely put smiles on the faces of your loved ones this December 25th.
Avengers: Endgame and