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Tokyo Olympics: Brazil s Ana Marcela Cunha Wins Women s Marathon Swimming

Tokyo Olympics: Brazil s Ana Marcela Cunha Wins Women s Marathon Swimming Cunha won her first medal in her third Olympics. She was 10th five years ago in Rio de Janeiro and fifth in the 2008 Beijing Games. Agencies 04 August 2021, Last Updated at 7:09 am Silver medalist Sharon van Rouwendaal, from left, of the Netherlands, gold medalist Ana Marcela Cunha, of Brazil, and bronze medalist Kareena Lee, right, of Australia, pause for photos during a victory ceremony for the women s marathon swimming event at the 2020 Summer Olympics, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021, in Tokyo, Japan. AP Photo/Jae C. Hong Agencies 2021-08-04T07:07:11+05:30 Tokyo Olympics: Brazil s Ana Marcela Cunha Wins Women s Marathon Swimming

Das war die Olympia-Nacht

Johannes Vetter hat sich für das Speerwurf-Finale in Tokio qualifiziert. Foto: Michael Kappeler/dpa Der Olympia-Tag bringt wieder einen Weltrekord in der Leichtathletik. Im Zehnkampf und für Speerwerfer Vetter läuft es zunächst mäßig. Die deutschen Tischtennis-Frauen verpassen das Halbfinale. Deutsche Medaillen gab es in der Nacht keine zu bejubeln. Neuigkeiten gibt es im Fall der belarussischen Sprinterin Kristina Timanowskaja. Leichtathletik I:Gold-Favorit Johannes Vetter hat sich im Speerwerfen ins Finale gemüht. Der 28-Jährige aus Offenburg sicherte sich das direkte Ticket für den Medaillenkampf am Samstag (13.00 Uhr/MESZ) mit 85,64 Metern erst in seinem dritten und letzten Versuch der Qualifikation. Der Olympia-Vierte von 2016, der mit 96,29 Metern die Weltjahresbestenliste anführt, wirkte verunsichert. „Seit den Wettkämpfen vor Olympia ist so ein bisschen der Wurm drin, was heißt der Wurm drin, ich kriege nicht so das richtige Timing, den richtigen

Flying Fish Leads a Lap of Women s 10K Open Water Final at Tokyo Olympics

Flying Fish Leads a Lap of Women s 10K Open Water Final at Tokyo Olympics On 8/3/21 at 8:36 PM EDT The women s 10-kilometer marathon swim was held Wednesday morning at the Tokyo Olympics, and a flying fish stole the show. With two laps remaining at Odaiba Marine Park, camera crews had a great shot of the pack of leaders. Then, out of nowhere, a fish flew from the water during the marathon and soared through the air before landing on its side, just ahead of the swimmers. There were tweets from Tokyo to Australia and then all around the world by Tuesday night in America that showed nature at work.

Tokyo Olympics 2020 live: Teenage skateboarder Sky Brown s gold-medal bid begins after women s swimming marathon

Hello and welcome to Telegraph Sport s live coverage of day 12 at the Tokyo Olympics, where the women s marathon swim is currently underway. A blazing sun. Drenching humidity. Choppy waters. Gusting winds. Two dozen bodies diving in together for two hours of swimming mixed with a stray elbow here, an occasional kick there. Marathon swimming is as much a test of mental endurance as it is physical conditioning over a 10-kilometre course. The outcome is often decided by weather and water conditions, as well as strategy and a furious sprint to the finish. Varying conditions appeal to marathon swimmers because of the challenges they present. But the potential for dangerous air and water temperatures had some swimmers, coaches and federations urging Olympic organizers to move the races from Tokyo Bay to a cooler location.

Tokyo 2020 Kevin Mayer diminué, un record du monde au 400 m haies féminin… Le résumé de ce mercredi 4 août

Athlétisme : Kevin Mayer blessé au dos et en difficulté au décathlon Le détenteur du record du monde du décathlon, Kevin Mayer, souffre de problèmes au dos et se trouve en grande difficulté après les trois premières épreuves du décathlon, ne pointant qu’en 4e position. Le Français, qui brigue un premier titre aux JO après l’argent en 2016, totalise 2 662 points, loin derrière le leader, le Canadien Damian Warner (2 966 points), son principal rival. ?? Je me suis bloqué le dos en arrivant au Japon. Je ne prends aucun plaisir ?? La détresse de Kévin Mayer à la suite de sa 4e place au générale au décathlon après trois étapes.

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