KU’s Institute for Policy & Social Research publishes some incredibly useful data.
The Kansas Statistical Abstract 2019, contains the latest available state, county, and city-level data for Kansas on population, vital statistics and health, housing, education, business and manufacturing, exports, employment, income, finance, state and local government, crime, recreation, communications, transportation, agriculture, climate,
and energy and natural resources. Click hereto access the online edition!
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Example of Data Included in the Abstract:
Categories Included in the Abstract:
What’s New in Civic Tech: Pearl Jam Publicizes New COVID App [Government Technology]
Dec. 17 As states continue to roll out COVID-19 exposure alert apps for residents, the challenge becomes getting the word out about them. Washington state, however, recently got some help in this effort from that’s right, you guessed it Pearl Jam.
Specifically, the state got some help from Pearl Jam rhythm guitarist Stone Gossard, a native of Seattle. Gossard helped out by teaming with the Washington State Department of Health for a YouTube PSA. The brief roughly 40 seconds video is a good example of how notable members of a community can use tech to help government solve obstacles, and it is perhaps a small hint at what’s to come once similar efforts begin in full force for the COVID-19 vaccine, presumably using technology as a way to spread the word.
What’s New in Civic Tech: Pearl Jam Publicizes New COVID App
Plus, Michigan’s central IT shop has now released new data about its work helping with the pandemic response, the University of Kansas shares its 54th edition of a statewide data set, and more.
As states continue to roll out COVID-19 exposure alert apps for residents, the challenge becomes getting the word out about them. Washington state, however, recently got some help in this effort from that’s right, you guessed it Pearl Jam.
Specifically, the state got some help from Pearl Jam rhythm guitarist Stone Gossard, a native of Seattle. Gossard helped out by teaming with the Washington State Department of Health for a YouTube PSA. The brief roughly 40 seconds video is a good example of how notable members of a community can use tech to help government solve obstacles, and it is perhaps a small hint at what’s to come once similar efforts begin in full force for the COVID-19 vaccine, presumably using technolo
th edition of the Kansas Statistical Abstract is now available online. In a year that brought the novel coronavirus pandemic and resulting economic turmoil, the KSA shares data on Kansas and the United States in 16 categories that provides context for the challenges Kansans are now facing and offers key information for local and state government leaders seeking the best paths forward for recovery and growth.
Developed by Institute for Policy & Social Research staff, the publication includes data up through 2019, or the most recent available data.
Some key findings:
Medical resources
As COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations rise across the country, the proximity of hospitals to communities and availability of hospital beds have become urgent questions. The KSA includes a chapter on Vital Statistics and Health, with a map of hospitals in Kansas as of 2018 and utilization of hospitals in Kansas, by county as of 2018, with a map showing admissions per bed. Understa