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As Governments and businesses turn their minds toward the
recovery and re-opening of the economy, our team is closely
monitoring updates from governments across Canada. The following
summarizes the recovery and re-opening measures which have been
announced to date in each jurisdiction. We will continue to update
this summary as further measures are introduced across the
This roundup was last updated on February 19, 2021. To see what
has changed since our last update, please download our
blackline, here.
February 19, 2021: The Minister of
Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
A redesign to parts of downtown Fort Frances on the table for town council to consider.
Called the Gateway study area, it focused on areas in and around the border.
The study coincides with another that looked at potential uses of the former Shevlin Woodyard.
It proposed parts of Central Avenue and Church Street near the Canada Border Services building become one-way.
An initial plan also called for Mowatt Avenue to become a one-way street going northbound.
HTFC Planning and Design’s Principal Consultant Glen Manning says it was dropping in the final report.
“It was just too much concern about what that might do businesses on there. There are new opportunities and new businesses arising, so we figured that the fluidity of being able to go in both directions was something that we could accommodate and still keep the general concept,” says Manning.