THE CAPITALS CHOKE – AGAIN! “For Caps, just another ‘bad bounce’ for a pantheon filling up fast with them,” by Barry Svrluga in Pittsburgh: “It’s a terrible state of existence when every odd bounce that works against you has to be woven into the tapestry as part of some generations-long drama and a depressing one at that. But it is the very existence of the Washington Capitals, and who knows when or if that will change. Welcome, then, Dmitry Orlov and his right skate to this disaster. They’re part of the story now, like it or not. This is what you need to know:
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Sunday, December 13, 2020 - 16:23.
For anyone that has eyes to see, we all know this election was stolen. We also know that Beijing Joe and Heels in the Air Harris are controlled by Communist China. Or should we say, that at minimum they are blackmailed by China.
China has paid the Governor and the Secretary of State from Georgia, or should I say China paid their families in an effort to keep the payments our of sight, although most certainly nobody from the MSM would be paying attention.
The MSM falsely claimed that Trump cannot prove even one allegation of voter fraud. Yet, we have all seen the videos and read the affidavits of those that did see rampant and very significant voter and election fraud. The MSM’s message is always the same. “There is no voter fraud, and if there is, there is not enough to make a difference.