University of Cumbria aims to connect businesses and students with new society The University of Cumbria Business Society launches this month to help upcoming graduates connect with employers and business networks. The society s aim is to help shape students’ learning experience and offer real-world support and guidance alongside academic business management study. Additionally, it aims to help employers, organisations and business leaders engage and inspire future professionals. UoC Business Society president,Will Adams, said: “From personal experience, connections and networking make the opportunities in your life and career. “The aim is to connect upcoming graduates and businesses in Cumbria and Lancashire as a platform to encourage conversations, prospects and inspiration as we find our way into our own futures.
Led by and for students, the University of Cumbria Business Society launches this month to help upcoming graduates connect with employers and business networks. UoC Business Society figures want to develop a vibrant relationship with business leaders, helping to shape students’ learning experience and offering real-world support and guidance alongside academic business management study. It is also an aim to help employers, organisations and business leaders to engage and inspire future professionals, making connections, nurturing and helping to retain and develop future talent. As an anchor institution for the North West, University of Cumbria works with strategic partners and employers to develop routes into and through higher education, helping to meet the region’s demand for higher-level skills among the current and future workforce.
Building work is set to begin next week on a multi-million pound Civil Engineering Training Centre at Lakes College. In a major boost for the scheme, the Department for Education awarded £1.4million for the project. This will be added to £900,000 from Cumbria LEP’s Growth Deal fund, and £550,000 of college funds. The centre, earmarked for land opposite the college’s main entrance at Lillyhall, Workington, is due to open its doors to the first students next September – the same time the college launches its new T Level courses, which are the equivalent to three A Levels. College principal Chris Nattress said: “I’m thrilled that we are commencing the construction of our Civil Engineering Training Centre, and have appointed a local contractor in Story Contracting to work with us.
A CONTROVERSIAL housing scheme that would have seen nearly 200 homes built near Whitehaven has been withdrawn. Reiver Homes, a division of Story Contracting, had last year put forward plans for 194 homes on land between Westlakes Science and Technology Park and Summergrove. However Copeland Borough Council has listed the application as withdrawn, with a decision date of December 10. The application had provoked objections from a number of residents. Graham Roberts, then mayor of Whitehaven, said: “I am concerned that this random and irrational house building will result in little or no green areas of the town left.” Resident Craig White posted: “Absolute joke.”