Dr Raja Muzaffar Bhat Prime Minister Modi recently asked the stakeholders to join hands for a faster roll out of next generation 5G technology across India. He said new telecom revolution under 5G network would empower millions of Indians. When PM Modi talks about empowerment of all Indians, doesn’t this include people of Jammu & Kashmir as well who are even denied the 4G mobile internet for last almost 1 ½ years. During the inauguration of India Mobile Congress on December 8th which was done through a virtual mode PM Modi said : “We need to work together to ensure a timely roll out of 5G to leapfrog into the future and empower millions of Indians,”. Don’t we also need to get empowered ? On one hand Prime Minister emphasis on every village to be connected through the high-speed optical fibre network, but when we see in J&K , the worst sufferers are the people living in villages who don’t even get the fixed line 4G internet connection. The students from rural areas stil