Stonington The town is partnering with the Trust for Public Land to purchase and preserve 224 acres of forest and farmland off Al Harvey Road.
The trust and the town now have 12 months to raise the $1.1 million needed to acquire the three parcels from trustee Katherine Anne Brewster-Duffy of Los Altos, Calif.
The fundraising effort will involve a mix of private donations and possibly federal or state grants. The town also has $318,000 in open space funds that could be used. By protecting three properties on Al Harvey we could create a community asset with significant ecological, recreational, economic, and social benefits for Stonington residents and visitors, states a fact sheet distributed by the town.
Published January 12. 2021 5:01PM | Updated January 12. 2021 10:30PM
Stonington The town is asking 28 property owners along Route 1 in Pawcatuck to grant it easements so the long-awaited project to install sidewalks from the high school to downtown Pawcatuck can begin.
Director of Economic and Community Development Susan Cullen said this week that letters have been sent to the property owners and they have begun making appointments to see the almost complete engineering plans or calling her. The easements are needed because the town will need to do work on, cross or access the properties. So far no one has had any problems. They are thrilled the sidewalks are coming, she said.
State Sen. Cathy Osten, D-Sprague, has joined local legislators to present a bill to the state legislature seeking answers to lingering questions she says