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Here s What I-95 Listeners Think Is Wrong With The World

Monday is National Everything You Think Is Wrong we’re giving you a chance to sound off on what you think is wrong! Lay your pet peeves on us! JStew: Oh man.. I think  like most folks, I could probably go on all day. About a hundred different things, at least. But I think the things that get to me the most, sadly, are things I can t control. For instance, I absolutely HATE traffic lights. Well, most traffic in general. If transporters from Star Trek are ever a thing in my lifetime, I will gladly hop on the bandwagon. But. there s also absolutely nothing I can do about it. Lights are always going to be there, and lord knows you can t control the driver of the car in front of you either. So that leaves you only being able to control yourself. And frankly, that s just not very satisfying. Traffic = wrong.

Shipwreck! The Wanby Hit The Rocks in Kennebunkport 100 Years Ago

At 10:30 in the morning on March 9, 1921, the ship, The Wanby hit the rocks off Walker s Point in Kennebunkport. The groan of the 3991-ton British ship being dragged across the rocks could be heard from Kennebunkport all the to Cape Porpoise, three miles away! Schools from around the area closed for the day so kids could watch the Coast Guard try and salvage the ship, to no avail. Kennebunk Historical Society   Luckily, no one was hurt in the shipwreck. In fact, things ended up pretty good for the crew. The Kennebunkport Historical Society wrote on their Facebook Page this week: Captain David Simpson ordered his crew ashore. The sailors bunked with hospitable local families who filled every minute of their stay with dances in their honor, clam digs, day trips to Portland, etc. Four cases of real Scotch whiskey salvaged from the Wandby were consumed during the interim. Tears of friendship were shed all around when the crew was sent back to England three weeks later.

Three Shoppers Opted to Steal It When They Saw It at Marden s

Marden s is one of those retailers that you visit with no real plan. You let Marden s tell you what you need. And then you better not think twice because it may not be there the next time you visit. Cue the jingle. I should have bought it when I saw it at Marden s! Three shoppers were recently caught on security cameras at Marden s on Payne Rd in Scarborough in connection with a theft. GoogleMaps Now I m not one to pursue a life of crime but I can t help but think in these COVID times and the mask mandates, that this is quite convenient for criminals. These stores are literally requiring you to mask up which does make you, the criminal, more difficult to identify.

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