In Mississippi, Working to Treat Food Insecurity
Through a new program, health centers will give patients access to healthy food and educate them about how best to cook it.
Young gardeners pose at Coastal Family Health Center s children s garden. (Photo courtesy of Coastal Family Health Center)
At one of the oldest community health centers in the country – that’s Delta Health Center in Mississippi – there’s a story about a famous doctor who used to write prescriptions for food.
Dr. Jack Geiger, the founding father of the community health center movement, would send his patients to the grocery store to get healthy food. The grocer would fill the order and send the bill to the health center.
MSDH: COVID-19 daily cases rise by 260 Mississippi reported Sunday three new deaths related to COVID-19. (Source: WDBJ) By Tim Doherty | March 7, 2021 at 9:40 AM CST - Updated March 7 at 9:40 AM
JACKSON, Miss. (WDAM) - The Mississippi State Department of Health reported a dip to just more than 250 new daily COVID-19 cases across the state.
MSDH reported 260 additional cases and three new deaths Sunday statewide.
The latest figures brought the state’s total cases and deaths since March 2020 to 297,581 and 6,808.
Three deaths were reported between March 3-March 5, including one in Lamar County.
Positive test results may have been made during the past several days and represent individuals who became ill a week ago or more.
MSDH: Nearly 600 new COVID-19 cases added to daily tally Pine Belt reports no additional COVID-19-related deaths Saturday. (Source: CDC) By Tim Doherty | March 6, 2021 at 9:49 AM CST - Updated March 6 at 9:49 AM
JACKSON, Miss. (WDAM) - The Mississippi State Department of Health reported nearly 600 new daily COVID-19 cases across the state.
MSDH reported 576 additional cases and 22 new deaths Saturday statewide.
The latest figures brought the state’s total cases and deaths since March 2020 to 297,321 and 6,805 deaths.
Ten deaths were reported between Jan. 1-March 5. Another 12 deaths were discovered through a review of death certificates between Jan. 23-Feb. 28.
Positive test results may have been made during the past several days and represent individuals who became ill a week ago or more.