These are common questions about Lent, fortunately, we have the answers.
1. Are Sundays part of Lent?
NO, SUNDAYS ARE NOT PART OF LENT. (Typed in all caps for my pious relatives to read.)
Many Catholics maintain their sacrifice on Sundays. There is no rule against this, but it isn t required. Every Sunday is a mini-Easter and should be celebrated as such. In the spirit of celebration, which is entirely appropriate, you may refrain from your sacrifice on that day. So, if your sacrifice is social media, then you can catch up on Sundays. If you gave up chocolate or sodas, Sundays are your friend. There are no brownie points for maintaining your sacrifice on extra days and there are no demerits for refraining from your sacrifice on Sundays. Sunday is a day of celebration, not fasting.
'What we witness today is the reign of violence, intolerance, hatred, and division. We are sure this is the handiwork of the devil himself. We cannot shirk our duty to combat evil in our midst,' says an AMRSP statement