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Subscriber only Community groups operating on council land will have their rent almost quadrupled in return for not having to pay for maintenance works. Despite already charging above average rental fees Sunshine Coast Council said the increase was fair and reasonable . A spokesman said the policy would allow groups to focus on their main purpose instead of raising money for structural repairs. But during a recent council meeting some councillors said the devil was in the detail and questioned if they had it right. Unlike other local governments the council previously did not fund maintenance works at community facilities located on its own land.
Sunshine Coast Council
More than 300 people gathered last night (5 May) to pay their respects and show their support to victims of domestic and family violence in a moving candlelight vigil and community march at Maroochydore.
It comes as Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month (May) is now well underway, a state-wide initiative encouraging communities across Queensland to stand as one and send a clear message that domestic and family violence in families and homes will not be tolerated.
Sunshine Coast Council Community Portfolio Councillor David Law said the Let’s Grow Together event, hosted in partnership with Sunshine Coast Council and Centacare, was well attended and not only helped spread awareness of the important issue, it also shone the spotlight on support services available.
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Subscriber only The employment of a councillor s wife at University of the Sunshine Coast put local government representatives in a difficult situation while considering conflicts of interest. Councillor Joe Natoli left the chambers during Thursday s Sunshine Coast Council meeting after his colleagues voted that he had a declared conflict of interest involving discussions on a sponsorship deal with Sunshine Coast Lightning. His wife, Rosanna Natoli, is a journalism and media lecturer at the university, which also is a part-owner of the netball team. The connection was raised by councillor Jason O Pray after he announced he would not take part in the vote due to two tickets worth $400 that he received from the Sunshine Coast Lightning CEO Danielle Smith.
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Subscriber only From new housing developments to deals for major events, here are six key decisions made by Sunshine Coast Council on Thursday. Sunshine Coast Council has locked in a three-season sponsorship agreement with Sunshine Coast Lightning. Council has been a partner with the Lightning since the club s inception five years ago. According to the council, in that time the franchise has generated an economic impact of about $100 million for the region. Councillors voted unanimously in support of a three-season sponsorship agreement, however contract terms and conditions were kept confidential.
Aussies events locked in Councillors endorsed a contract to hold three Australian Surf Life Saving Championships events between 2023 and 2032.
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Subscriber only Squaring off a decade ago over the Gillard government s ill-fated carbon tax, former Rio Tinto managing director David Peever and ex-Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan now find themselves on the same side. The pair have thrown their weight behind the growing cause rallying against a proposed light rail system along the beach front at Alexandra Headland. Mr Peever, now a Cotton Tree resident and Mr Swan, a former Nambour High school student who is a regular at Cotton Tree and passionate Coast surfer, spoke out against what they said was a consistent lack of consultation and failure to respect the community s wishes.