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Owen Sound’s plaid PJ pants turned out to be a hot commodity.
Within a week of the city announcing that people could claim a free pair of pyjama bottoms – as part of its recently launched Work from Home Capital of Canada recruitment and marketing campaign – all 200 pairs of the flannel “rockin’ jammies” were snatched up.
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Try refreshing your browser. Owen Sound launches pyjama giveaway in work-from-home campaign Back to video
“They had been on offer for about a week, but things have really picked up the last couple of days,” said Brent Fisher, manager of community development and marketing.
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The Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library has extended the term of the city’s poet laureate Richard-Yves Sitoski, who is set to launch his legacy project Tuesday.
The library board approved the one-year extension late last month “in recognition of both the current challenges involved in presenting public performances” and Sitoski’s “exemplary work as poet laureate,” a position he’s held since Oct. 1, 2019.
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His term will now run until September 2022.
“We thank Richard-Yves for his outstanding work to date and look forward to seeing what new, creative and exciting poetry he brings to the community over the next year,” said Carolin Brooks, poet laureate committee member.