Dissident Voice: here and here. I even did a review of that documentary,
The People VS Agent Orange, which highlights Tran To Nga‘s fight in France “Eternal Impunity of Capitalism’s Crimes“. Here’s one passage from that story I wrote:
Dr. James Clary was with the Air Force in Vietnam, which ran the program. He was ordered to dump the computer and erase all memory. Instead, he printed out a stack of documents two feet high – missions, sorties, coordinates, dates, gallons dropped throughout all of Southeast Asia and Laos.
“We had the information coming from Dow that there were real problems for people associated with this chemical. It was all locked up for 35 years.”
Systemic Corruption: Constitutional Ideas for an Anti-Oligarchic Republic, will be speaking on
Dismantling Fake Democracy.
Creating Real Democracy, an event hosted by the Oregon Community Rights Network. The event is designed to explore such questions as “What is democracy? Do we want it?” And “Is the U.S. a democracy?”
“I argue that basically, the governments that we call democracies today are from the beginning very elitist, authorized by the people. But the people are far from the government,” Vergara says. “I wanted to study what was the best, most democratic way to change the constitution,” she says of governments worldwide. “Therefore, I started educating myself on the constituent processes that actually happened in history. What were the limitations and possibilities?” Vergara argues that as a society, we select others better than us to write the game rules. “This has been everywhere in the world. And there’s no reason for this today,” she says.