Talks with SMC on KUL agenda prior to vote of no-confidence in govt
29. December, 2020
Ljubljana – Karl Erjavec, who is slated for a candidate for prime minister-designate by the informal KUL coalition, said on Monday after meeting KUL representatives that “it is clear that we also need support by the SMC party if we want a new government”. Talks with the coalition party are thus in store.
The leader of the Pensioners’ Party (DeSUS) and representatives of the fellow centre-left opposition parties that form the Constitutional Arch Coalition (KUL) agreed today to invite the junior coalition Modern Centre Party (SMC) for talks on how the party sees Slovenia’s future.
Slovenia Times
29. December, 2020
Medical office - middle-aged male doctor greeting patient, shaking hands.
Ljubljana – The Medical Chamber has warned about ramifications of the provision in the seventh stimulus bill that allows retirement of workers without a justified reason immediately after they meet the conditions for old-age pension. The chamber says that any such outflow of doctors and dentists would further jeopardise access to healthcare.
The chamber noted that until the end of 2022, a total of 951 doctors and dentists will meet the retirement conditions under the provision, including 614 by the end of this year.
The first figure accounts for 10.5% of all currently active doctors and dentists. “Any forced retirement would further put at risk healthcare access,” the chamber wrote in a press release issued on Monday.
Slovenia Times
23. December, 2020
Ljubljana – After meeting representatives of the informal KUL coalition on Tuesday, Pensioners’ Party (DeSUS) leader Karl Erjavec announced that a motion for a constructive vote of no-confidence in the government would be filed next week or by the end of the year. He expects that the required 46 MP votes will have been secured by then.
Speaking to the press after meeting the heads of the left-leaning opposition Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ), Social Democrats (SD), the Left and Alenka Bratušek Party (SAB), which form the Constitutional Arch Coalition (KUL), Erjavec said it had also been agreed that the parties’ bodies would confirm him as a candidate for a prime minister-designate.
Slovenia Times
22. December, 2020
Ljubljana – There was a call for restoration of political stability in the face of the coronavirus crisis as President Borut Pahor hosted Prime Minister Janez Janša and the speakers of both houses of parliament for the annual meeting on Monday, which also focused on the electoral reform and preparations for Slovenia’s presidency of the Council of the EU.
Addressing reporters after the meeting, Pahor said “cooperation is the only way to resolve the crisis faster and more successfully to the benefit of everyone”.
If someone believes they can offer an alternative, no one may prevent them, Pahor said, referring to the opposition-sponsored bid, now pushed ahead by Pensioners’ Party (DeSUS) leader Karl Erjavec, to call a vote of no-confidence in the government.
Slovenia Times
22. December, 2020
Ljubljana – Two coalition parties and the Pensioners’ Party (DeSUS) have tabled a bill that would redraw some electoral districts in line with a 2018 Constitutional Court decision, after a rival opposition-sponsored bill that would have abolished districts altogether failed to garner the required two-thirds majority in the National Assembly last week.
The wording of the bill, tabled by the ruling Democrats (SDS), six out of the eight deputies of the Modern Centre Party (SMC) and four out of the five deputies of DeSUS, the party which last week formally exited the coalition, includes a proposal drawn up by the Public Administration Ministry.