Duke University Press Workers Union s campaign is the latest in a wave of organizing in the media and publishing industries. Photo: DUPWU
Update May 5: The Duke University Press Workers Union officially filed for an election on May 3. Eds
After years of high turnover, low pay, and discriminatory practices affecting people of color and queer people, workers at Duke University Press in Durham, North Carolina, are organizing a union.
The 120 workers do a wide range of jobs: editorial work on journals and books, sales and marketing, IT and business tech. Most are women and most are white although mostly men occupy the upper-level positions, a reflection of the university publishing industry.
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On April 27, 2021, President Joe Biden signed a new executive order (EO) requiring federal
contractors and subcontractors to pay a $15.00 minimum wage to the
thousands of workers who are working on or in connection with
federal contracts. The new EO, titled Executive Order on
Increasing the Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors, requires
contractors to implement the higher minimum wage requirements by
early 2022.
The much-anticipated executive order comes just three months
after President Biden issued Executive Order 14003, which set the
foundation for this new EO by directing the director of the Office
Us employer considerations related to employees’ use of cannabidiol CBD products and prescription drugs, including potential disability accommodation issues and the range of employee protection provisions contained in marijuana legalization laws.
webinar on the COBRA coverage subsidy under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) produced more questions than the presenters could address during the webinar. Below are answers to some of the most common and interesting questions we heard from our audience.