Amgen and Novartis
It took meeting a college classmate who had been diagnosed with migraine for Karamo Brown, a cast member of the Netflix show
Queer Eye, to realize there was a name and diagnosis for the debilitating headaches he’d been experiencing since he was a teenager. It clicked for me, says Brown, now 40. “I was like, ‘Oh, you can actually go to the doctor for this, you can talk to somebody? Oh, my gosh!’ And also, ‘I’m not alone with this feeling? You’re feeling exactly what I’m feeling?’” he recalls.
Unfortunately, Brown’s experience is not unusual. The majority of people with migraine never seek medical care for their pain, and more than half of people with migraine are never diagnosed, according to the Migraine Research Foundation.
As the star of Netflix’s hit show
Queer Eye, Karamo Brown (pictured above) knows a thing or two about self-love. The Emmy-nominated reality host is known for his colorful bomber jackets, kind demeanor, and innate gift for helping people work through their insecurities and learn to love themselves.
Here’s something you might not know about Brown: He has been living with migraines since he was in high school. Growing up, he dealt with stigma from friends and family who didn’t understand the severity of his condition. “When it comes to migraine, it’s more than a headache,” he says. “It’s debilitating in so many ways.”
What to Know About Using CBD for Migraines Anne Harding
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Managing migraines
If you get migraines, you ve likely looked for all kinds of treatments to ease your headache pain. Along with pain medication, migraine home remedies, and lifestyle changes, you might have considered CBD for migraines.
If you don t experience migraines, you likely know someone who does. Nearly one in four U.S. households includes someone who gets them, according to the Migraine Research Foundation. They are more than just headaches, and can cause debilitating head pain, along with nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and nose.
Everyday Health
Migraine attacks are best known for causing painful headaches. Strokes are best known for causing numbness and weakness on one side of the body, as well as slurred speech, confusion, decreased or double vision, dizziness, and loss of balance and coordination.
But some migraine attacks also cause numbness, weakness, trouble speaking, confusion, visual changes, and vertigo.
And some strokes cause a sudden, severe headache.
Given the sometimes overlapping symptoms of migraine and stroke, it can be difficult to tell which you’re having and whether you should go lie down in a dark, quiet room or go immediately to the emergency room.
Mindfulness techniques may help ease migraine, study says
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Researchers say mindfulness may help some people better deal with migraine pain. Photo by kizzzbeth/Flickr
A mind-body practice that combines meditation and yoga might help people better manage migraine pain, a new clinical trial finds.
The trial, which tested the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction, or MBSR, found that the approach helped relieve migraine sufferers depression and disability. It also boosted how they rated their quality of life.
MBSR is a standardized, eight-week program developed in the 1970s. It combines meditation and gentle yoga postures, with the goal of shifting people s responses to stress, including body pain.